Pausa Para Posse




60 days

Type of Work

Web Design, Visual Identity, Graphic Design, Branding


Elaine – Pausa Para Posse


Thalia Moniza: Web Design, Visual Identity, Graphic Design, Branding

The Challenge

The proposal was to create a brand that was sweet yet impactful, conveying the welcoming essence of the company’s owner, as well as the seriousness and technicality required for teaching courses for public exams. To achieve this balance, I explored a palette with soft and high-contrast colours, combined with some subtle graphics. These elements helped convey the sweetness and coziness while maintaining a professional and technical appearance.


Another interesting aspect of the project was the development of the website in Figma. I chose this tool because it allowed for rapid prototyping and efficient collaboration with the Pausa Para Posse team. This enabled us to test different layouts and visual solutions, ensuring that the website was intuitive, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing.

Low-fidelity wireframes:

Medium-fidelity wireframes:

High-fidelity wireframes:


The entire process was overseen by the client through stage reviews. As wireframes were approved, the project progressed. The method involved starting with the foundation and building and evolving upon it.

Visual Identity

The brand already had some basic visual elements that I had created years ago. However, it needed to be updated to meet the current needs of the client and the project. Since the client didn’t want major changes, the solution was to work with visual explorations using the existing material!

The aesthetic of the project also challenged me because it’s quite different from what I’m used to doing nowadays. I needed to step out of my comfort zone and explore more delicate visual styles. The goal was to modernize the brand and make it more serious without losing its sweet identity.

Final Conclusions

In the end, the project resulted in a unique and memorable visual identity for Pausa Para Posse, reflecting the brand’s personality and standing out in the competitive market of courses for competitions with a distinctive personality. It was interesting to step out of my comfort zone, and despite the limitations, I feel like I achieved the goal as best I could in a functional way.

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